Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Who can participate in the hackthon?
    Anyone who is curious to work with a interdiscplinary group of creative tech people are welcome. You don't neccessarily need to be a developer. The key thing is to find a relavant project and a team where you could provide your valuable domain-specific-skills.

  2. Is there any restriction on the topic and use-cases of my hack project?
    Anything and everything goes as long as it is music related. However if you are interested in the prizes, we recommend you to target your project according to the various prize categories provided.

  3. Do I need to register for participating in the hackathon?
    Yes, you are required to register through this registration form for participating in the hackathon.

  4. Do I need to bring anything particular for hackthon?
    You are expected to bring your own laptops, hardwares or any other additional accessories that is required for your specific project. However, we provide a standard set of software tools, guides and limited hardware modules (subject to availability) at your disposal.

  5. Can I just come to attend the Algorave concerts and panel Q/A sessions without participating in the hackthon?
    Yes, of course. You are most welcome to attend the concerts, Q/A sessions and final hack presentations (subject to availability).

  6. Can I prepare my project before hand from home instead of doing it all during the hackathon?
    The real spirit of hackathon lies in hacking existing technologies, ie. whatever available at the moment to make interesting projects. However, you can always prepare the supporting technologies that is required to faciliate your hack project (ie, such as SDKs, APIs, Hardware boards etc).

For further enquiries, kindly submit your question via the contact us page or send us an email at